SBJ Computer Application Technologies

Resume Photo

Steve Johnson

Updated: 8/6/2010

Petaluma, CA  94954

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  • 2+ years designing websites and developing Silverlight applications (Html, CSS, .NET, ASP.NET and C#).

  • 30+ years experience building Desktop Applications for a variety businesses and commercial software publishers. Most of that being with Windows, Visual Studio, Visual C++, MFC and associated technologies.

  • Skills

    Windows (all flavors), SQL Server 2008, IIS, .NET, C#, Silverlight, WCF RIA Services, Visual Studio 2010, Microsoft Expression Studio, Visual C++, MFC, STL, COM, VSS, Perforce, Telerik RadControls for Silverlight, Telerik Reporting for Silverlight, Stingray Objective Toolkit, BCGControlBar Pro, CodeJock Xtreme Toolkit Pro, OpenGL, Open Inventor, MSXML DOM, XSLT, Html, CSS, WebControl, Windows Scripting Technologies, ADO, ASP.NET, Kinook Software's Visual Builder, InstallShield Developer/12 and DevStudio 9, @Hand Application Environment, Dundas UltimateToolkit and UltimateGrid (now Open Source on Code Project), ASE ChartDirector, ARsT XlsGen.


    2010 – Present  Senior Software Engineer. Open Domain, Inc. San Ramon, CA

  • Working with Open Domain principals to build a multi-tiered web based system for the management of the State of Nevada’s Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC); replacing their existing FoxPro based system.
  • Responsible for designing the centralized SQL Server database replacing individual Clinic FoxPro databases and migrating and stabilizing the existing data.
  • Responsible for building State and Clinic management applications for database maintenance, reporting and tracking client health assessments and benefit issuance using Silverlight 4, WCF RIA Services and ADO.NET Entity Framework.
  • 2008 - Present  Owner, SBJ Computer Application Technologies (SbjCat). San Rafael, CA

  • Currently developing a Facebook application to provide recording/playback using Facebook API, ASP.NET, Silverlight 3, Expression and Visual Studios.
  • Built a website for Marin Home Theater, using ASP.NET, Silverlight, Expression and Visual Studios.
  • Built the company website for Ahmed’s Moving Express using ASP.NET, Silverlight, Expression and Visual Studios. Act as on-going computer consultant and web designer.
  • Authoring a series of articles on CodeProject presenting a proprietary MFC extension library, The SBJ MVC Framework, integrating a Model-View-Controller architecture with the MFC Document/View architecture.
  • Contract to Ahmed’s Moving Express. Acting as general computer consultant and web designer. Built the company website,, using Silverlight, Expression and Visual Studios.
  • Contract to TTS Wireless, Inc. Built installation and automated build system using InstallShield DevStudio 9 and VisualBuild for their flagship product, OptPCS. Implemented a report export feature to Excel, using CodeJock and XlsGen to integrate to UltimateGrid and ChartDirector generated reports. Project completion date: 2/28/2009.
  • Providing software engineering skills to companies developing Windows Visual C++/MFC applications.
  • Although no longer with Tartus, Inc. (see below), continue to supply support for ReportEditor and XLST transforms on a contract basis.
  • 2002 - 2008  Senior Software Engineer. Tartus, Inc. San Rafael, CA

  • Worked with the Tartus development team, focusing on UI design and enhancement through 3 release cycles of the Integrated Analysis application suite.
  • Responsible for maintenance and enhancement of ReportEditor, the Bill of Materials component of the application suite.
  • Designed and supported XSLT transforms of Bill of Material XML data to multiple back office billing and inventory programs.
  • Developed and supported the USP Connection SDK for third party clients of United Steel Products (see contract work below).
  • Prototyped a forensic hard drive search program for a third party development company using the BCGSoft BCGControlBar Pro library.
  • Developed and was responsible for automated product build processes.
  • Developed and managed product installation programs using InstallShield Developer/12.
  • Researched and recommended software applications used in the development process.
  • Performed R/D aimed at transitioning from Stingray Objective Toolkit to BCGControlBar Pro, transitioning from MFC Doc/View to MVC architecture, and integrating unlimited Undo/Redo into the Integrated Analysis suite.
  • 2001 - 2002  Contract Software Engineer. Tartus, Inc. San Rafael, CA

  • Developed USPHangerEngine.dll, a COM DLL for matching United Steel Products structural connectors to connection requirements (i.e. size, load, slope/skew). Used ADO to MSAccess database for connector data.
  • Built regression test programs for the USPHangeEngine.dll.
  • Built a Html webcontrol application for standalone use of the USPHangeEngine.dll.
  • Worked with Tartus Lead Developer and domain experts to implement and validate execution of the engine.


    Bachelor of Fine Arts, University of California Santa Barbara